How to live in luxury on any budget
how-to, style Heather Hankinson how-to, style Heather Hankinson

How to live in luxury on any budget

‘Luxury’ isn’t a thing I’ve given much thought about since I used to stick pictures of Manolo Blahnik kitten heels on my school folder in year 10.

Frankly, I’ve always been confused by the concept of perfume, Carrera marble gives me the creeps and I have never had the feet for those kitten heels.

Recently though, I’m mentally reclaiming the word luxury.

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The last time a hairdresser made me cry
style, connections Heather Hankinson style, connections Heather Hankinson

The last time a hairdresser made me cry

Last year, a new friend invited my partner and I to a birthday party.

Like every party since my own fifth birthday, I approached the date with my own special brand of unwise and fervent tenacity.

When I was five, this looked like staying up to the point of exhaustion the night before and then wearing my yellow princess dress from the second I woke up to the time of the event, the ridiculously late time of 3pm, by which time I was wired, sweaty and food-stained.

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